
Privacy by Default.

p≡p for Outlook Preview for Download

Do you want to test how p≡p feels? Here is a preview of p≡p for Outlook to download (signature). This program is working on Windows 7 and Windows 8 32bit or 64bit, and requires Microsoft Outlook 2010 or 2013 32bit to run (64bit will not work).

To install p≡p for Outlook Preview, just open pEp for Outlook Setup.msi and press “Install”.


Then start Microsoft Outlook and write a new mail. You will see a small bar at the bottom of each Mail Inspector Window with a push button at the left. As a default it shows “Unreliable”.


When you're starting to write E-Mails and your communication partner is known to be able to encrypt (i.e. because she or he has a key on the OpenPGP keyservers, or you were receiving a signed mail already), p≡p will start to encrypt without even asking you.

When p≡p has got a good encrypted connection to a communication partner, the push button will become yellow showing the text “Handshake…”.


You can just continue working. But in the case you're getting a yellow you're invited to make it green by doing a handshake with your communication partner. For doing so click the yellow push button.


The Safewords on grey are your own. Call your communication partner and tell her or him your Safewords. If she or he agrees, ask for her or his Safewords, too. These must be the same Safewords as you're seeing on yellow background already. If everything is good, press “Yes – confirm”. Your button becomes green.


Congratulations! You did your first steps in regaining privacy and security for written messages again.

The Preview has limited features: only E-Mail, only OpenPGP, only Outlook. But it's showing how easy encryption can work with p≡p! Do you want more platforms, more crypto, more features? Support our crowdfunding on Indiegogo now!

published Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:53:57 +0200 #outlook #preview

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